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Weather and Disaster.

Mother Nature can make you feel powerless during a storm or natural disaster. Have you and your family talked about how you would react in these situations? Are you prepared with the necessary knowledge and supplies? Depending on where in the world you live, you may need to be concerned about a thunderstorm, a tornado, a hurricane or other tropical storm, or even an earthquake or the eruption of a volcano. Being prepared can make a big difference to you, your family, and your home when disaster strikes.

Use the Safety.com and portalsafety.ucoz.com Weather and Disaster Center to gather the information and tools you need to adequately protect and provide for your family in case of disaster.

The Astrological - Cosmological portal to safety and notifications is created March 21 2010 for the reason productions of the concepts of the united world system to safety and notifications.

Need of the creation of such system grows with each daytime.

The Tense periods and exact dates, specified in forecast allow to create the network of the services to safety and notifications in miscellaneous city, village, on enterprise. This can become the state program of the services MCHS.

So in Japan, is already created system of the warning on atomic station, which automatically disconnects the dangerous blocks at moment strong underground push.

At critical periods, on this example, possible announcement to readiness  1 for workman such centre to safety and notifications, workman MCHS.

This will allow to avoid the panics, will reduce the risk to ruins of the people and big material damage. Warning, notification of dangers enables more system and is organized to pass tense, critical event.

Is Warned, signifies   is armed. 

The Astrology, as system element to safety and notifications, worked in all timeses. This is a Great Cosmic Knowledge allowing rescue the thousand and millions of the human lifes. There was in root untrue not to use this element of the World Knowledge, as the best instrument for making the modern world system to safety and notifications. Hereafter and for ever!

Andrey Andreev.

The Term astrology as system to safety.

1. The Astrology - a biochemistry. The Planets accelerate or slow metabolism.

2. The Planet Land   complex биоэнергоинформационное formation.

3. The Planets by some means or other influence upon processes on planet Land.

Cosmic influences bring about changes to metabolism of the person, as follows, such sort that wholly determined cosmic influences determined by image change the process a metabolism. Each influence on metabolism, no difference what sort, has more or less deep influence on nature and hereunder on attitude of the person to surrounding his(its) world. 

The Course to astrologies Myunhenskogo institute парапсихологии.

Since Land is much more complex bioenergy formation, than person ( the Motivations are brought below in endurance from course of the astrologies. The Munich ), that processes of the interaction Terrestrial magnetic, energy and information field with cosmic fields, fields of the planets and fcompanion(satellite) of the Solar system, fields Sun, certainly, much more complex in exploratory plan and collection statistical given on this subject.

But all, for beginning follows to formulate the main terms at study of the possibility of the using to astrologies as systems to safety in plan of the forecasting and warning the natural disasters, техногенных, transport, aircraft, cosmic catastrophes, that or other critical moments in development of the civilizations. For instance, forecast critical effect in economy and geopolitics, intensification of the international relations.

The Ithaca:

The Vibrations of the planets, the Moon and Sun on магнитосферу Land ALWAYS work in complex. It is impossible separate nor one element of the studies from integer.

The Vibrations of the planets, the Moon and Sun, and sign of the Zodiac (the sector of the ecliptic) have a priority influence, either as in organism of the person, on that or other poetry.

Mars, Sun, Jupiter; The Aries, Lion, Sagittarius   element of the Fire.

Venus, Prozerpina, Saturn; The Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn   element of the Land.

The Merkury, Hiron, Uranus; The Twins, Scales, Aquarius   element of the Air.

The Moon, Pluto, Neptune; The Cancer, Scorpion, Fish   element of Water.

The more strict correspondences to:

Mars   fires of small power, local military conflicts, damages on transport.

The Sun  fires of average power, conflicts between two states, drought.

The Jupiter   strong fires, international conflicts, trade wars, damages with big amount of the victims.

Depending on passings that or other sign of the Zodiac (the sector of the ecliptic) of the planet, the Moon and Sun actuate the manifestation an energy poetries to which pertains the sign of the Zodiac.

So, 2010, Jupiter passes the sign of Fish and sign Aries. Aktualizirovana subject of the floods, Fish   element of Water and subject fire and droughts, Aries   element of the Fire. 

Ingressiya, turning the Jupiter in token Aries   June 6 2010

Inverse in token Fish   September 9 2010.

The Astrological correlation. 

Ocheviden fact that inverse Jupiter in token one or another poetries gives the activation this poetries.

This is one of the main positions of the method "Astrology as system to safety."

The Statistical studies confirm that at years of the transit of the Jupiter on sign of the Fire (the Aries, Lion, Sagittarius) occurs more, than in the other years scale fire. 

At years of the transit of the Jupiter on sign poetries Land (the Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) occurs more scale, destructive natural disasters, causing poor harvest, deleting fruits of the Land. 

At years of the transit of the Jupiter on sign poetries Air (the Twins, Scales, Aquarius) occurs more scale hurricane, storm, торнадо. For instance, hurricane "Katrina" at the end of the August 2005 (the Jupiter in Weight). 

At years of the transit of the Jupiter on sign of Water ( the Cancer, Scorpion, Fish) occurs more scale floods and natural disasters, in accordance with water. For instance, actual period and disastrous flood in Europe (Jupiter in Fish before June 6 2010)

Possible use the givenned methods in functioning(working) the device MCHS any country on Zemnom ball? Prepare to manifestation concrete poetries? 


The Damage from hurricane, fire, poor harvests, floods forms million dollars. And is perished in these disaster with each daytime more and more people.

Andrey Andreev.

The Endurance from rate of the astrologies Myunhenskogo institute parapsihology.


There are no warranties expressed or implied, with respect to earthquake risk probabilities or predictions provided by us. We make no expressed or implied representations or warranties of any kind including, but not limited to, warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or intended use or of merchantability (which are disclaimed).

We assume no responsibility with respect to the use by you or your employees or clients of the earthquake risk probabilities or predictions.

We shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage resulting from using the risk probabilities, predictions, content or related information.

We shall not be liable for special, indirect, incidental, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages or lost profits or damages from loss from use of information or data or other cause of action relating to the performance or non-performance of our predictions, any action or inaction taken by the user of our predictions probability risk, is the sole responsibility of the user.

Official sources such as (USGS United States Geological Survey) should be considered before any plans or actions are made regarding earthquakes.


Earthquake prediction 2016

Earthquake Forecasting Service - EFS

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