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Main » 2023 » February » 7 » Earthquakes in Turkey, Syria on February 6, 2023. Magnitude 7.8
Earthquakes in Turkey, Syria on February 6, 2023. Magnitude 7.8

In Turkey and Syria - February 6, 2023 - a series of earthquakes occurred - magnitude 5.0 to 7.8 and 7.7 at a depth of about 10 - 23 km.

At the time of the earthquake in Turkey - February 6, 2023 - a complex of cosmological factors affected the seismic activity. The key seismic factor is the Venus - Mars transit quadrature and the resonant Full Moon on February 5, 2023. Additional factors - transit Mars comes out from the Axis of catastrophesSaturn in aspects to the Axis of the GalaxyThe period of global seismic turbulence continues.

Information, data, and forecast.

Key factors of seismic activity in February 2023:

1-resonant Full Moon - February 5, 2023.

2 - Sun-Uranus-1 quadrature - February 10, 2023.

3- tau square Moon-Uranus Sun-February 5, 2023.

4 - Venus-Mars quadrature - 1-February 13, 2023.

5-tau-square Moon-Sun, Saturn-Uranus - February 13, 2023.

6-square Moon - Venus, Neptune - February 15, 2023.

7-resonant New Moon - February 20, 2023.

8 - Mercury-Uranus-20 quadrature-February 26, 2023.

9-transit of Mars along the star Aldebaran on the Axis of catastrophes-February 1-3, 2023.

The main thing about the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

EMSC data.

Magnitude Mw 7.8
Date time 2023-02-06 01:17:36.1 UTC
Location 37.17 N ; 37.08 E
Depth 20 km
Distances 108 km NNW of Aleppo, Syria / pop: 1,602,000 / local time: 03:17:36.1 2023-02-06
30 km WNW of Gaziantep, Turkey / pop: 1,065,000 / local time: 04:17:36.1 2023-02-06

Space map of the earthquake in Turkey-February 6, 2023.

Under the influence of cosmological factors - in February 2023-the continuation of seismic turbulence, resonant earthquakes in seismically active regions is likely.

Current cosmological factors of seismic activity for February 2023.

Resonant Full Moon - February 5, 2023 -seismic resonance + - 3 days.

Transit of the Sun in quadrature to Uranus-February 1-10, 2023-seismic resonance.

Tau square Moon-Sun, Saturn-Uranus - February 13, 2023-seismic resonance.

Resonant New Moon - February 20, 2023-seismic resonance + - 3 days.

Transit quadrature Mercury-Uranus-20-February 26, 2023 -seismic resonance.

Transit of Mars along the star Aldebaran on the Axis of catastrophes-February 1-3, 2023-seismic resonance.

Studies of the relationships between seismic activity, volcanic activity, and the intense manifestation of the Elements with Cosmic factors, the gravitational fields of planets, the activity of the Sun, torsion fields, and rays of Near and Far Space - Fixed stars, Nebulae, and Galaxies - are conducted using the "Cosmology - Astrology as a security system"method. Software - ZET GEO astroprocessor.

Andrey Andreev is a cosmorhythmologist.

The Earth crystal grid.

Seismically active regions of the globe

Category: Earthquakes | Views: 206 | Added by: Andrey-Andreev | Tags: earthquakes in Turkey, the cosmological outlook, Earthquake, cosmology, earthquake 2023, in february 2023, earthquake prediction, earthquake prediction in 2023 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 0
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