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Main » 2016 » August » 1 » Forecast of seismic activity, earthquakes in August 2016. Resonance date.
Forecast of seismic activity, earthquakes in August 2016. Resonance date.

Under the influence of Uranus turning in reverse motion, Saturn's rotation in direct motion, move Mars in Sagittarius, the active Earth Elements in August 2016 will continue during the 2016 seismic turbulence.

Prediction of seismic activity, seismic resonance dates to August 2016.

Gravitational waves are the Grand Cross of the planets in June - early July 2016 - relatively evenly distributed seismic energy around the globe.

An earthquake of magnitude 4.0 to 5.5.

In June, beginning of July, as in March 2016 there was an accumulation of the resonance of seismic energy.

This seismic, tectonic energy will be implemented in the form of a resonant earthquakes and volcanic eruptions from July to August 2016.

Under the influence of the energies of the Grand Cross of the planets in July - August 2016 the probability of resonance earthquake in subduction zones.

Wikipedia - subduction zone.

Earthquake Map 1 August 2016. EMSC .

Resonant date in August 2016.

Saturn passes Axis katastrof- connection with the star Antares - 20 July - 1 September 2016 - the seismic response.

Turn Uranus retrograde motion - 29 - 30 July 2016 - seismic response - factor of + - 14 days.

Go, ingression of Mercury in Virgo - July 30, 2016 - seismic response - factor.

The active element of the Earth in August 2016.

New Moon - 2 - 3 August 2016 - seismic response - factor of + - 2 days.

Go, ingression of Mars in Sagittarius - August 2, 2016 - seismic response - factor.

The configuration of the planets - Tau square - Mercury, the Moon, Jupiter - Saturn - Neptune - August 5, 2016 - seismic response - factor.

Go, ingression of Venus in the sign of Virgo - August 5, 2016 - seismic response - factor.

The active element of the Earth in August 2016.

The configuration of the planets Tau square - Uranus - The Moon - Pluto - 7 - 8 August 2016 - seismic response - factor.

The configuration of the planets - Tau square - Venus, Jupiter - the Moon, Mars, Saturn - Neptune - 12 August 2016 - seismic response - factor.

Turn Saturn into direct motion - August 13, 2016 - seismic response - factor of + - 14 days.

The probability of resonant earthquakes in the Vrancea area , Japan, California, USA.

Moon conjunct Pluto - 14 - 15 August 2016 - seismic response - factor.

Full Moon - Lunar eclipse - 18 August 2016 - seismic response - factor of + - 2 days.

Saturn - Mars is in conjunction with the star Antares in the Axis of accidents - 19 - 26 August 2016 - seismic response - factor.

Strong seismic zone of turbulence.

The probability of resonant earthquakes in the Vrancea area , Japan, California, USA.

Moon is in quadrature to the compound of Mercury, Venus, Jupiter - AUGUST 27 2016 - seismic response - factor.

The configuration of the planets - Tau square - Sun - Mars, Saturn on the axis of catastrophes - Neptune - 27 - 28 August 2016 - seismic response - factor.

Go, ingression of Venus in the sign of Libra - AUGUST 30 2016 - seismic response - factor.

Spread Mercury in retrograde motion - AUGUST 30 2016 - seismic response - factor of + - 3 days.

New Moon - full solar eclipse - 1 September 2016 - the seismic response - factor of + - 3 days.

Under the influence of the energies of the Grand Cross of the planets in July 2016 are likely resonant earthquakes in subduction zones.

The most famous of the subduction zone are in the Pacific Ocean : the Japanese islands , the Kuril Islands , Kamchatka , the Aleutian Islands , the coast of North America , the coast of South America . Also, subduction zones are the islands of Sumatra and Java in Indonesia , Antilles in the Caribbean Sea , the South Sandwich Islands , New Zealand and others.

Wikipedia - subduction zone.

The data for the exact time of the forecast of probable seismic events.

In moments of resonance earthquakes with a magnitude over 6.0, almost 100% seysmosobytiy- planets of the solar system are in the corner points of the horoscope kosmogrammy- events. Either on Voskhode- ASC and zenith only in the MC, in 10 sectors. Either on Zakate- on DSC and in depth the Sky, in the IC. There are various options, but most often triggered aspect between planets kvadratura- in 70- 80% of seismic events. Also on the seismic response can be triggered converging or disintegrating the opposition of two or more planets in a closed configuration of the tau-square. Then "sound three corner points of the horoscope seismic event.

The strongest seismic resonances cause the configuration of the planets Grand Cross , and small and large parades planetary stellium.

A high percentage of seismic resonance occurs in a time zone close to the new or full moon, quarters of the moon , moon transit for tochke- GC - Galactic Center, the star Aldebaran in the Axis disasters , Supermoon.

Research links seismic, volcanic activity, intense manifestations of verses of space factors, the gravitational fields of the planets, solar activity, torsion fields and beams of near and outer space - the fixed stars, nebulae - galaxies - are conducted in the method of "Cosmology - Astrology as a security system." Software - astroprotsessoru the GEO the ZET .

Andrey Andreev kosmoritmolog.

Forecast of earthquakes, seismic activity in 2016. Regional seismic activity in 2016.

Earthquakes 2016 - a long-term prediction of earthquakes.

Earthquake Forecasting Service (EFS)

(short-time and long-time earthquake forecasting, based on real-time statistics)

Ring of Fire came to light? Seismic turbulence period began in 2016.

Powerful earthquake in the spring of 2016 show that the Earth is in the process of profound transformation.

The projection of the Sun and Moon on the Earth's surface - line. Seismic zone of turbulence.

Category: Earthquakes | Views: 1821 | Added by: Andrey-Andreev | Tags: in August 2016, Short-term prediction of earthquake, Earthquake, the cosmological outlook, the Vrancea zone, Ukraine, earthquake prediction | Rating: 0.0/0
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