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Main » 2013 » March » 31
In 2013, according to the prevailing cosmological factor-verse, is the element of water. This is due to the transit of Saturn in the sign of Scorpio is the sign of the elements of water, transit of Jupiter in the sign of Gemini is the sign of the element of air-Jupiter-night ruler Pisces is the sign of the elements of water (corresponding to Heavenly Water is abundant, abnormal precipitation). 26 - June 2013 - Jupiter enters the sign of Cancer is the sign of the element of water.
The main factor in the cosmological background in the next 20 years, from 2013 to 2033 years - will be a wide-sextile Neptune and Pluto. Overwhelming sound element of water.
In connection with significant elements of water safety on astrological portal flood maps published in 2013 - Europe, Asia, Russia. For a more accurate forecast of the study region is likely river flood maps are published, Europe, Russia, Asia, the world map of underground water sources.
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