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Main » 2013 » October » 6 » Earthquake in Vrancea, Romania October 6, 2013. Information, prognosis.
Earthquake in Vrancea, Romania October 6, 2013. Information, prognosis.
In Vrancea, Romania, October 6, 2013 - an earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - 5.4 at a depth of about 135 km.

It worked gravitational field configuration of the planets, the Grand Cross of the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto-Sun, combined with gravitational wave Faire-October 5, 2013. Seismic response.

MOSCOW / CHISINAU, October 6 - RIA Novosti. Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 occurred on Sunday night in the south-east of Romania, tremors also felt in Moldova.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the earthquake lies at a depth of 135.8 kilometers. Epicenter was located 14 kilometers from the city Nerezhu in the Romanian county of (county) Vrancea. The earthquake occurred at 4.37 local time (5.37 MSK).

Head of Academy of Sciences of Moldova seysmotsentra Ivan Ilesh told RIA Novosti that the tremors were felt in Chisinau. According to preliminary data of the National Department of Emergency Management, death and destruction in the Moldovan capital there.

Vrancea County is located at the bend Srednekarpatskogo range and is the most earthquake-prone in Romania. In 1977 there was an earthquake of 8 points in the epicenter and about 7.5 - in Bucharest, killing about 1,500 people.

RIA Novosti reported.

These EMSC-European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre.

Magnitude mb 5.4
Date time 2013-10-06 01:37:21.0 UTC
Location 45.64 N; 26.69 E
Depth 134 km
Distances 141 km N of Bucharest, Romania / pop: 1,877,155 / local time: 04:37:21.0 2013-10-06
39 km W of Focşani, Romania / pop: 105,112 / local time: 04:37:21.0 2013-10-06
5 km NW of Vintileasca, Romania / pop: 2,155 / local time: 04:37:21.0 2013-10-06

Acts on the region gravity wave Saturn, Proserpine. Moon worked vibration.

The projection of the planets in the region of 6 October 2013 earthquake.

The earthquake in Vrancea, October 6, 2013 - occurred in Zone 6 earthquake forecast in October of 2013.

In the forecast of the dates of the resonance of seismic activity in the area of 6 - probability-65 - 85% - 2, 5, - 6, 7, 10 - 11, 13, 19 - 21, 25, 29 - 10.30.2013.

As indicated in the forecast date of seismic activity is likely to continue, the resonance of the earthquake in the region and adjacent areas of seismic activity.

The next date of increase of seismic activity, volcanic activity on the resonance of tectonic faults in subduction zones, active seysmozone:

Large cross-Uranus-Jupiter-Sun-Pluto-October 3, 2013 - seismic response + - 7 days.

New Moon, October 5, 2013 - seismic response + - 3 days.

Ingression of Venus in Sagittarius, October 7, 2013 - seismic response + - 3 days.

Ingress of Mars in Virgo, October 15, 2013 - seismic response + - 7 days.

Grand Cross of the configuration of the planets caused seismic activity on the activation of the Cordilleran, Andean, Alpine-Himalayan seismic zones in the autumn of 2013.

In autumn 2013 the main resonant earthquake most likely to occur in regions adjacent to the Cordilleran, Andean, Alpine-Himalayan and other seismic zones. Need for regular monitoring of the seismic situation in these regions.

Seismic zones of the Earth.

Large cross-Uranus-Jupiter-Venus-Pluto-August 25, 2013 - seismic response + - 7 days.

Large cross-Uranus-Jupiter-Mercury-Pluto-September 14, 2013 - seismic response + - 7 days.

Large cross-Uranus-Jupiter-Sun-Pluto-October 3, 2013 - seismic response + - 7 days.

Overall, we have three waves of space and seismic resonances, which is likely to cause the final quarter of seismic wave resonances. Figuratively speaking, the ninth wave resonance of seismic events at the turn of October and November 2013.

Connect Saturn Proserpine in Scorpio October 20-November 10, 2013. Seismic response + - 7 days.

At this time, Saturn reaches its highest speed in 2013. This means powerful resonance seismic events.

Under the action of the resulting gravitational wave Cosmos autumn 2013 falls Italy, France, Switzerland, Poland, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey and the surrounding regions and countries.

Research links seismic activity, volcanic activity, intensive demonstration of the Elements with Space factors, the gravitational fields of the planets, the solar activity, torsion fields and beams of near and far space-Fixed Stars, Nebulae, Galaxies, conducted in the method of "Cosmology, Astrology as a security system" . Software-astroprocessor ZET GEO.

Andrey Andreev-kosmoritmolog.

Cosmology, Astrology as security-Praemonitus praemunitus-forewarned is forearmed.

Seismically active regions of the globe .

Earthquake prediction in the fall of 2013. Cosmological seismic factors.
Category: Earthquakes | Views: 1741 | Added by: Andrey-Andreev | Tags: earthquake forecast for autumn 2013, Short-term earthquake prediction, cosmological outlook, earthquake in Vrancea, earthquake prediction | Rating: 0.0/0
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