In the South of the Arctic Circle in the Balleny Islands, October 9, 2012 - 6.4 magnitude earthquake at a depth of 2 km. According to the site earthquake monitoring EMSC.
Earthquake off the Antarctic Circle was in the area-108 database Earthquake prediction for October 2012.
Area 108 - gravity wave Saturn, Sun-chance-85% - 2, 9, 16, 23 - 24, 31/10/2012.
Given the increase in seismic activity under the cosmological factor-in date in red - in the region may be intense, resonant seismic event, the tsunami further series of strong aftershocks.
Magnitude | Mw 6.4 | Region | BALLENY ISLANDS REGION | Date time | 2012-10-09 12:32:02.0 UTC | Location | 61.11 S; 154.15 E | Depth | 2 km | Distances | 2669 km S Melbourne (pop 3,730,206; local time 22:32:02.2 2012-10-09) 1996 km SW Dunedin (pop 114,347; local time 01:32:02.2 2012-10-10) 1874 km SW Invercargill (pop 47,287; local time 01:32:02.2 2012-10-10) |
The region is projected gravitational wave Saturn seismic wave Sun.
Fulfill the following seismic resonances: Reversal of Jupiter in retrograde motion, October 4, 2012 - Resonance + 1 week. Ingression, the transition of Saturn in Scorpio, October 5, 2012 - Resonance + 1 week. Ingression transition Mars in Sagittarius, October 7, 2012 - Resonance + 3 days. The next date of increase seismic activity, volcanic activity in the resonance tectonic faults, in subduction zones: New Moon, October 15, 2012. Turn-planetoid Varuna in reverse motion, October 26, 2012. In the second half of the month, the most resonant period-Full-October 29, 2012.
Research linking seismic activity, volcanic activity, intense
manifestations of the elements with space factor, gravitational fields,
solar activity conducted in the method of "Astrology as a security system." Software- astroprocessor ZET GEO. Andrey Andreev - kosmoritmolog.
Astrology as a security-Praemonitus praemunitus-forewarned is forearmed.