Seismic activity, volcanic activity in November 2014 by a combination of cosmological factors.
Since the beginning of October and in November 2014 on the seismic activity has an extensive squaring Saturn- Jupiter. This can cause resonances seismic Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Indonesia, California, USA.
In early November, 2014- include severe cosmically seismic resonance aspects Mars, Pluto in square to Uranus and Polnoluniya- November 6, 2014.
In the mid and late November 2014 hard seismic resonances can cause a reversal of Neptune in direct motion-November 16, 2014.
Forecast earthquakes in November 2014 - "Space weather and seismic activity" is made in the method of "Kosmologiya- Astrology as a security system." Subsections "Seismic wave of the Moon", "Seismic wave of the Sun".
When working on a map, the cosmological outlook takes into account seismic impact on the geosphere land- activity of the Sun, the planets gravitational waves, the fixed stars, the Middle and Far Kosmosa- Tumannostey- Galaxies.
Calendar seismic resonances in November 2014:
Polnolunie- 6 November 2014- seismic response + - 3 days.
Mercury in the sign of the transition Skorpiona- November 8, 2014 - seismic response + - 3 days.
Ingression, the transition of Venus in the sign Streltsa- November 16, 2014 - seismic response + - 3 days.
Reversal of Neptune in direct motion-November 16, 2014 - seismic response + - 7 days.
Ingression, the transition of the Sun in the sign Streltsa- November 22, 2014 - seismic response + - 3 days.
Novolunie- November 22, 2014 - cosmic resonance + - 5 days.
Mercury in the sign of the transition Streltsa- November 28, 2014 - seismic response + - 3 days.
The most resonant date highlighted in red.
Calendar seismic resonances in November 2014 by region:
Band-1, 2, 4, 22, 23, 26- probability-65- 85%- 1-4, 7-8, 11-12, 14, 18, 22, 25 and 26, 30.11.2014. (8)
Band-3, 20, 21, 25 - probability-65-85% - 2-4, 7-8, 14-15, 22, 29-30 / 11/2014. (9)
Band-5, 6, 24, 27, 28, 38, 39- probability-65- 85% - 1-4, 7-8, 14-15, 21-22, 24- 25, 27, -28 / 11/2014 . (7)
Band-7, 8, 9, 29, 30, 31- probability-65- 85% - 1-3, 8, 15, 22-23, 29-30 / 11/2014. (A)
Band-10, 11, 12, 32, 33, 34, 35- probability-65- 85% - 1-4, 7-8, 11-12, 14, 18, 22, 26, 25, 30/11/2014. (C)
Band-13, 14, 15, 16, 36, 37- probability-65- 85% - 1-4, 7-8, 11-12, 14, 18, 22, 26, 25, 30/11/2014. (10)
Band-17, 18, 19- probability-65- 85% - 1-3, 6-7, 14, 21-23, 27-28 / 11/2014. (5)
In areas designated for kartah- forecasts blue seismic event are possible date seismic resonance - Zone probability-0- 65- 85% - 6, 8, 16, 22, 28/11/2014.
Maps seismically active regions.
Seismic activity, volcanic activity in November 2014 by a combination of cosmological factors.
Since the beginning of October 2014 on the seismic activity has an extensive squaring Saturn Jupiter-. This means seismic resonances in Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia, California, USA.
Next, turn on the hard cosmically seismic response Polnoluniya- November 8, 2014.
In the mid and late November 2014 hard seismic resonances can cause a reversal of Neptune in direct motion-November 16, 2014.
Cosmological sootvetstvie- active elements of the earth.
Wide Area Jupiter- Saturn- seismic resonance affects primarily the island and peninsular territory.
Polnolunie- 6 November 2014- seismic response + - 3 days.
Mercury in the sign of the transition Skorpiona- November 8, 2014 - seismic response + - 3 days.
Ingression, the transition of Venus in the sign Streltsa- November 16, 2014 - seismic response + - 3 days.
Reversal of Neptune in direct motion-November 16, 2014 - seismic response + - 7 days.
Ingression, the transition of the Sun in the sign Streltsa- November 22, 2014 - seismic response + - 3 days.
Novolunie- November 22, 2014 - cosmic resonance + - 5 days.
Mercury in the sign of the transition Streltsa- November 28, 2014 - seismic response + - 3 days.
The most resonant seismic zone in November 2014.
Under the influence of cosmic gravitational waves near and far space activated seismic hubs on a lattice of a crystal of the Earth.
Crystal lattice of the Earth.
Chili- hub 48.
CA-San fault Andreas- hub 17 , tectonic plate Juan de Fuka- hub 8- 16, USA-central states, national park Yelloustoun- hub 8.
Indoneziya- Sumatra, Yava- hub 25.
Russia-Baikal region, Novosibirsk area- hub 4.
China-central hub 13, India is a hub 12.
Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania-Vrancea zone, Turkey, Antalya - hub 2.
Japan, Sakurajima volcano, a supervolcano Ira, Tokio- hub 14.
New Zealand, the island Kermadek- hub 45.
Alaska- hub 7, Aleutian ostrova- hub 6.
All interested persons living in active seysmozone need to make to your personal calendar date indicated in the "cosmological prediction of seismic events on the month- November 2014" - and, in time intervals near these dates, behave in a more collected and accurately. Nothing complicated.
If the forecast will affect your stressful events, you will be more secure. So kak "Praemonitus praemunitus- forewarned is forearmed."
If stressful events will not affect you and your loved ones, you can still strengthen their personal security systems. And this is not in any way harm you.
Research linking seismic activity, volcanic activity, intense manifestations of the Elements with cosmic factors, the gravitational fields of the planets, solar activity, torsion fields and beams Middle and Far Kosmosa- fixed stars, Tumannostey- Galaktik- conducted in the method "Kosmologiya- Astrology as security" . Software- astroprotsessoru ZET GEO.
Andrey Andreev kosmoritmolog.
Cosmological portal security- monitoring, forecast natural disasters and catastrophes.
Seismically active regions of the globe .