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Main » 2013 » June » 10 » Signs Of The Times. Extreme Earth Changes Accelerating. Late 2012 - 2013.
Signs Of The Times. Extreme Earth Changes Accelerating. Late 2012 - 2013.
A collection of (Just some) of the most unforgettable world NEWS from November 2012, up to the post of this video!


Over the past year the world has experienced unprecedented and bizarre weather phenomena - from record breaking heat and cold to increasing earthquake & volcanic activity worldwide. It's not just global warming, but rather, a system wide surge of strange weather activity. This video compiles extreme earth changes and weather events with footage including tornados, earthquakes, record temperatures, raging wildfires, meteors entering the atmosphere, sinkholes opening up worldwide, Super Bugs, Massive Plagues, & the increasing Volcanic activity.

While this video does NOT imply extreme weather is a result of human activity or that these events are leading up to the end of the world - it does suggest that climate change is real and occurring all around us on top of an acceleration in frequency of occurrences. Whatever the source, one may ask - will extreme weather define our world's history for decades to come?



Extreme weather conditions in the short-term influence of the cosmos to the predetermined geosphere planet Earth. This influence is clearly described cosmological factors:

Squaring Uranus-Pluto-2012 - 2018.

Cosmological-line impact of cosmic flow of energies, torsion fields near and far space on the activity of the Sun, the solar system as a whole, the geosphere, the atmosphere of the planet Earth.

Atmospheric anomalies, hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, waterspouts, abnormal thunderstorms, lightning.Technological accidents and disasters, abnormal magnetic storms, accidents at nuclear power plants, air crashes.The increase in seismic and volcanic activity.

Neptune sextile Pluto, 2011 - 2033.

Cosmological-line impact of the Cosmic Waters on the Earth's oceans, groundwater, including magma oceans, the impact energy of Fixed Stars, constellations, nebulae, galaxies solar activity and the solar system as a whole, the geosphere, the atmosphere of the planet Earth.

Neptune oceans, underwater earthquakes, submarine volcanoes on the ocean ridges, massive tsunami, the anomalous storm.Flooding, flooding of coastal and island territories.

Quote from the article:

Strategic prediction of earthquakes, natural disasters, industrial accidents 2009-2024

Strategic prediction of earthquakes, natural disasters, industrial accidents 2012-2024

Research links seismic activity, volcanic activity, intensive demonstration of the Elements with Space factors, the gravitational fields of the planets, the solar activity, torsion fields and beams of near and far space-Fixed Stars, Nebulae, Galaxies, conducted in the method of "Cosmology, Astrology as a security system" .Software-astroprocessor ZET GEO.

Andrey Andreev-kosmoritmolog.

Cosmology, Astrology as security-Praemonitus praemunitus-forewarned is forearmed.
Category: Projections, forecasts | Views: 1532 | Added by: Andrey-Andreev | Tags: cosmology, hurricanes, Earthquakes, Flood, atmospheric anomalies, Tornado, 2013, Meteorites | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 0
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