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Main » 2013 » March » 16 » Spread Mercury in direct motion, March 17, 2013. Seismic response.
Spread Mercury in direct motion, March 17, 2013. Seismic response.
Mercury in Pisces, in conjunction with Neptune. in the square to Jupiter on the Axis disaster-Aldebaran-Antares-returns to direct traffic to 17 March 2013. This causes seismic response on the Pacific tectonic plate in the Pacific Ring of Fire.


Earthquakes in the Pacific Ring of Fire, March 16, 2013.

The projection of the planet Mercury, the seismic response of the Pacific Ocean, March 16, 2013.

The next date of increase seismic activity, volcanic activity in the resonance tectonic faults, in subduction zones, active seysmozonah:

Seismic resonance background-month transit of Jupiter in the Axis of Disaster - 1 - March 31, 2013.

Reversal of Mercury in direct motion, March 17, 2013 - seismic response + - 2 days.

Ingression of the Sun in Aries, March 20, 2013 - seismic response + - 3 days.

Ingression of Venus in Aries, March 22, 2013 - seismic response + - 2 days.

Full Moon, March 27, 2013 - seismic response + - 3 days.

Research linking seismic activity, volcanic activity, stress symptoms Verses space factor, the gravitational fields of the planets, solar activity, torsion fields and beams of near and far space, the fixed stars, nebulae, galaxies, being in the method of "Astrology as a security system." Software- ZET GEO.

Andrey Andreev-kosmoritmolog.

Astrology as a security-Praemonitus praemunitus-forewarned is forearmed.
Category: Earthquakes | Views: 1780 | Added by: Andrey-Andreev | Tags: Short-term prediction of earthquake, earthquake prediction in March 2013, earthquake in California | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 0
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