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Main » 2010 » November » 22 » The Pluto and civilization.
The Pluto and civilization.
The Pluto and civilization. 

I not was able immediately, work begin under on method  Astrology as system to safety  explain, deep reasons of this work, these studies. 

But, passes time, and all become on their own place. 

The Main planet, noting cycles of the development, as modern, so and civilization, beyond all doubt is a Pluto. 


The Pluto- Vikipediya. 

It is Enough to recall the history Ancient Rome. All cycles of the development to empires pack in cycle Plutona-245-248 years. 

Pluto is found in orbital resonance 3:2 with Neptune on each three turns of the Neptune around Sun happens to two turns of the Pluto, whole cycle occupies 500 years:

* The Tsarist period (754/753   510/509 before n. e.). 
* Republic (510/509   30/27 before n. e.) o Early Roman Republic (509 265 gg. before n. e.) o Late Roman Republic (264-27 gg. before n. e.)
* The Empire (30/27 before n. e.   476 n. e.) o Early Roman empire. Principat (27/30 before n. e.   235 n. e.) o Crisis III age (235 284 gg.) o Late Roman empire. Dominat (284 476 gg.)

754+476=1230- 5 cycles of the Pluto. 

The Exact cycle of the Pluto to define until introduces possible. Since moment of its opening- February 18 1930, planet did not pass its full cycle. 

But motion on sign and date ingress Pluto at actual period, us known. 

So small symbolic analysis occurring change, since moment ingress Pluto in token Scorpion- its monastery. 

If Neptune in astrologies of the Era Aquarius to have charge of vibrations of Near Cosmos- still stars. That, Pluto answers and транслирует in Solar system of the vibrations of Distant Cosmos- stars and the Galaxies, unencountered naked eyes, and Dark Cosmos- Get dark matter, which else it is not enough is studied. 

But this the most powerful Cosmic flows, which and explain, why personalities with expressed by Pluto in horoscope, have very strong, significant influence upon Fates of the civilizations. 

And why in majority horoscope natural disasters, catastrophes, world wars is also tracked deep influence of the Pluto. 

For instance:

The First amicable agreement war began on join Saturn- Pluto. 

The Second amicable agreement war- squaring Saturn- Pluto. 

CHernobyliskaya catastrophe- opposition Sun- Pluto- in zone of the Moon eclipse on Pluto. 

The Wreckage tower Twin in NEW YORK- opposition Saturn- Pluto. 

So powerful Cosmic energies, транслируемые by Pluto in Solar system, and affecting it is enough tense on processes, occurring on the Land in all sphere, commencing from manifestations poetries and finishing geopolitics, receive a visit at actual period significant unless dominating role. 

This is explained by transit of the Pluto on sign of the Capricorn before 2024. 

You will Return to ингрессии Pluto in Scorpion in 1983-1984. 

If take as begin cycle 0 Ovna then in this time, at transit of the Pluto on Scorpion,(1984-1995) modern civilization faced with crisis phenomenas. This and exchange crisis 1987, and appearance of the AIDS DISEASE, and disinteration USSR. And the most varied manifestations poetries:


The Eruption of the vulcan Grimsvetn, о-в Iceland. 

The Eruption vulcan Osier-Dzima, Miyaki-Dzima, Sakuradzima, Ku-сатсу-Sirane and Miyakedzima, Japan. 

The Eruption vulcan Gamalama, Galunggung, Cola (Una-Una), Iliverung, Iliboleng, Tangkubanparahu and Levotolo, Indonesia. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Niiragongo, Africa. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Erebus, Antarktida. 

The Eruption of the anonimous vulcan, island New Britain. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Kilauea, Hawaiian island. 

the March 31   earthquake M = 5.5 near Popayan in Columbian Andes, city completely ruined, through his(its) territory passed the zone of the break, perished 500 persons, are wounded   2 thous. and remained without shelter   100 thous.. 

2 May   earthquake M = 6,5 in Kuolinga, USA. 

26 May   earthquake M = 7,7 in Nihonkai-Tyubu (Japan), destructions on seaside because of dilution soil, cunami 10 14 m, 255 naves, ruined communications, perished 104 persons. 

the October 30   earthquake in Turcii, perished 1 300 persons. 

the November 8   earthquake in Liezhe (Belgium), destructions, ruin of the people. 

the November 16   earthquake M = 6,7 in Kaoike on Gavayyah. 

the December 22   earthquake M = 6,3 in Guinea (the Africa), was opened breakup by length 10 km, destruction many, perished 275 and is wounded around 1 thous. person. 


The Eruption of the vulcan Birenberg, о-в YAn Mayen, Atlantika. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Loki-Fogrufyoll, о-в Iceland. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Aetna, Italy. 

The Eruption vulcan Kaitoku and Sakuradzima, Japan. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Mayon, 9 chel. perished, Philippines. 

The Eruption vulcan Karangetang, Tress-Empung, Soputan, Galung-гунг and Levotolo, Indonesia. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Villarrika, Chile. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Erebus, Antarktida. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Manet, New Guinea. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Mauna Loa, Hawaii. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Houm Reef, island Tonga. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Pagan, Mikroneziya. 

The Earthquake in Nagandzhi-Ken-Seybi, Japan. 


The Eruption of the vulcan Stromboli, Italy. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Birenberg, о-в YAn Mayen, Atlantika. 

The Eruption vulcan Tokachi and Sakuradzima, Japan. 

The Eruption vulcan Sangeang, Karangetang and Soputan, Indonesia. 

The Surge SO2 from oz. Nios, perished 1 700 persons, Kamerun. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Guallatir, Chile. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Erebus, Antarktida. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Pagan, Mikroneziya. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Saplay Reef, Marianskie island. 

The Earthquake M = 8,5 in vicinity Mehiko, more than 10 thous. 13 thous. person remained without shelter. 

Under ингрессии Pluto on sign Sagittarius,   1995-2008, civilization has made transition to manypolyarity world. This top kosvogram, and termination полусферы-  You , dictate of the external public conditions, suppressing development to personalities. The Manifestations poetries in these years were not more critical, than at years of the transit of the Pluto on Scorpion. 


The Eruption of the vulcan Stromboli, Italy. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Grimsvetn, Iceland. 

The Eruption vulcan Yake-даке, Suvanose-Dzima, Kyudzyu, Unzen and Sakuradzima, Japan. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Bulusan, Philippines. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Krakatau, Indonesia. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Niyamuragira, Zair, Africa. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Sierro Negro, Nikaragua. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Irruputunchu (Chile, Bolivia). 

The Eruption of the vulcan Villarrika, Chile. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Tinakula, island Santa-Cruz. 

The Eruption of the undersea vulcan hack, ruin of fish, Mikroneziya. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Barren Island, Andamanskie island. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Mestizo SHoal, island Tonga. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Aoba, island New Hybrids. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Aoba, Vanuatu. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Fernandina, Galapagosskie island. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Fogo. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Hosho, о-в Kyusyu, Japan. 

the January 17, on ингрессии Pluto in Sagittarius  earthquake M = 7,2 in Kobe (Japan), city is practically destroyed, perished 6 425 persons, is destroyed 250 thous. houses. 

June   eruption of the vulcan Sufrier, о-в Montserrat, 25. 

1 June   eruption of the vulcan Pakaya in Guatemala. 

the June 6   July 11   eruption of the vulcan Mestizo-SHoal on island Tonga. 

July   the most powerful precipitation(draft) for 60 years have caused the floods in Gane. 

the July 18   eruption of the vulcan Sufrier-Hills on о-ве Monserrat, surges ash by height 10 km, flows has carried 9 and Plymouth. 

the July 31   eruption of the vulcan Buluzan on Philippines. 

Iyuli avgust   damaged from flood 75 % territory to North Korea, perished 68 persons, damage 15 000 000 000 dollars. 

September 27   eruption of the vulcan Ruapehu in New Zealand, before 24.09.1997

the October 7   powerful earthquake on о-ве Sumatra in Indonesia, perished from 70 before 100 persons. 

the October 12 14   eruption of the vulcan Hobo in Japan. 

the October 25   November 13   eruption of the vulcan Slaves Simaunt on Marianskih island. 

the November 6   eruption of the vulcan Rinkon de la Viezhe in Bone-Rike. 

the November 10   slope of the snow avalanche in Nepal, manage спастистись 550 inhabitants. 

the December 4   eruption of the vulcan Sufrier on о-ве Montserrat. 

the December 17   winter thunderstorm in Moscow and Great Novgorode, Russia. 


The Eruption of the vulcan Stromboli, Italy. 

The Eruption vulcan Suvanose-дзима, Unzen, Sakuradzima, Kyudzyu, Komagatake and is Pronounced 'a', Japan. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Soputan, Indonesia. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Laskar, Chile. 

The Eruption of the vulcan о-в Poppy Donald, Australia. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Kilauea, Hawaii. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Rabaul, island Kermadek. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Poas, Bone-Rika. 

The Eruption vulcan La Madera, Momotombo, Nikaragua. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Amukta, Alaska. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Loihi, Hawaiian island. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Long, California. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Akutan, Alaska. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Komagatake, о-v Hokkaydo, Japan. 

The Eruption of the vulcan Estern Gemini, island Vanuatu. 

This year on the Land has occurred beside 200 hurricanes, 170 floods and 50 earthquakes, element has carried away 11 thous. human lifes, damage has formed 60 mlrd. dollars. 

Since 2008, Pluto перешел in token Capricorn, this means the achievement modern civilization definite outcome. The Building of the clear structure to civilizations. The Determination strategic integer and problems. But, turning the Pluto in sfera  I , clearly, uniquely confirms the increasing role to personalities in shaping public, world change. And requires serious attention to structure and system to safety to lifes both separate personality, and civilizations, mankind, as a whole. 

The Sign of the Capricorn simply confirms that all Cosmic flows, actuating manifestation poetry on the Land, at period of the transit of the Pluto, translator these Cosmic energy, in sfera  You , with 1930 on 2008, did not require from civilization on planet Land to responsibility for содеянное. For madness of the development modern technology, not taking into account constructions of the planet, her(its) ecological and natural forming. For madness absolutely not taking into account natural, seismic energy construction. What cost(stand) only groups of ten unless a hundreds megaCity, built in the most seismic active region of the planet. 

This responsiblity approaches here, today, presently. Since moment begin shaping * Neptune- Pluto, since November 7 April 2010- 4 2011, and squarings Uranus- Pluto, since December 6 March 2010- 12 2011. The Energy of Distant Cosmos impassive will check the modern civilization on planet Land on her(its) stability, stability and systems to safety. 

That possible to say on this cause at actual period. When floods around occur suddenly, unexpectedly, eruptions vulcan as in Indonesia and on Philippines occur suddenly, unexpectedly, and, on- former, either as in 20 ages, nearly nobody in government, with the exclusion of responsible workman of the services to safety, hereto not ready. 

Considering the most powerful, заорганизованную bureaucratic, political, academic world machines. Which not capable neither to warn the manifestation a poetry, nor undertake concrete, necessary measures on possible help to population, liquidations consequence manifestations poetry. 

Follows to create the world centres of the notification and safety, in the manner of associations of the inhabitants of the countries dangerous region, which ready to become the alternative to inactivity bureaucratic device. The Possibilities Interneta allow to create the sites of the notification and safety on region. 

The Filter for swindler in this sphere of activity will easy become accuracy a forecast. 

I understand, and take whole measure to responsiblity, offerring creation such public world Network of the notification and safety. 

But if you could warn and kept silent, you in answer for possible, as a result of manifestations poetries, victims and destructions. 

This begin big and infinitely complex work. But result of this work real can become to hundreds, a thousand, a millions rescued human lifes. And this has a no price. 

The Era Aquarius requires the more responsible relations to its private life not only and safety, but also to lifes and safety of all people, living on planet Land. 

Think, completely Amicable agreement Network notifications and safety will is created to 2024, ингрессии Pluto in token Aquarius. 

Andrey Andreev. 
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