The fourth consecutive powerful explosion occurred on the Sun-May 15, 2013,
which can lead to problems with radio communications on Earth,
according to RIA Novosti, the representative of the Institute of Applied
Geophysics Hydromet (IPG).
0600 medium (02:00 UTC) all in the same active region, as yesterday,
there was an outbreak of class X, is the fourth in two days. Unusually
vigorous activity of this group continues, but it geoeffectiveness is
still small, and the main effect is to deterioration of the conditions
of radio propagation on the illuminated side of the Earth during the
outbreak, "- said the source.... Read more »
Magnetosphere to 17 March 2013. Magnetic storm-magnetic storm. Excitement magnetopause-9 - 11 and 12 points in 12 point scale. Cosmic impacts.Anomaly.
The magnetosphere is tense on the one hand releases on the Sun, on the
other hand cosmic waves, gravity-magnetic disturbances near and far
shocked Eurogroup decision to impose a one-off tax on bank deposits -
6.75% on deposits of up to 100,000 euros and 9.9% above that amount.
Agreement can enter into force on Monday, March 18, 2013, it must be
approved by the parliament, and in the evening Saturday's political
leaders have consulted.
However Cypriots rushing to withdraw money from the accounts and the
dawn began to gather at ATMs (banks are closed on Saturday), wrote the
Greek newspaper "Vima".
About ATM queue formed, but investors quickly discovered that some ATMs
do not work, while others may be removed no more than 600 euros. According to the Cypriot television, in a few hours the amount you can withdraw from an ATM, has been reduced to 200 euros. Many ATMs money has run out, the newspaper said.
Director General of the Central Cooperative Bank Erotokritos
Hlorakiotis said that Saturday morning were frozen online customer
service system.... Read more »
Bei Arbeiten an der Datenbank, nimmt die Prognose Berücksichtigung des
Einflusses von Gravitationswellen der Planeten, die Fixsterne, nah und
fern Raum, Nebel, Galaxien.
Die Resonanz Zeitraum Anfang Oktober 2012 - Eindringen der Übergang von Saturn im Skorpion, 5. Oktober 2012.
Eindringen Übergang Mars in Schütze, 7. Oktober 2012.
New Moon, 15. Oktober 2012.
Turn-Planetoiden Varuna im Rücklauf, 26. Oktober 2012.
In der zweiten Hälfte des Monats, die Resonanzperiode-Full-29. Oktober 2012.
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Forschung Verknüpfung seismische Aktivität, vulkanische Aktivität,
Stress-Symptomen Verse Füllfaktor, die Gravitationsfelder der Planeten,
Sonnenaktivität, Torsion Fe
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